How long does Claritalk keep your data?

How long does Claritalk keep your data?
How long does Claritalk keep your data?
As a customer, you decide how long your data is stored. We carry out your preferences closely and are not asking party to keep data longer than necessary. With full control over retention periods, you can implement a policy that meets your needs, but it is important to consider some things.

Full control for the customer

Claritalk provides comprehensive enterprise-level settings that allow you to manage retention periods. This includes:
  1. Basic dates(data used to generate results, such as any sound recordings or associated metadata, transcriptions, intermediate steps in the analysis):
    • Automatic removal after a certain period of time:On/Off(standardTo).
    • Setting the retention period: from1 to 24 months(standard12 months).
  2. Meetings(with all associated results and analysis):
    • Automatic removal after a certain period of time:On/Off(standardTo).
    • Setting the retention period: from1 to 24 months(standard12 months).

Important considerations of data retention

  • Irrevocable removal: Once data such as meetings or basic data has been deleted, it is final and cannot pass throughClaritalk
    Or you will be restored. This means that a deleted meeting is also no longer accessible to future searches. For example, if you want to search back a specific collaboration after two years, this is only possible if the data is still stored at that time.
  • Targeted data usage: Claritalk uses
     your data only to improve our services for your organization. Your data is not used to train models outside of your business and is never accessible to third parties.

No dependence on user data

Claritalk does not need user data to improve our overall operation. Any data analysis is only used within your own organization to optimize the quality of our service.
With flexible settings and strong focus on data security offersClaritalkYou are a solution that offers both control and security. You can adjust your settings to what best suits your organization, but take into account the consequences of deleting data.
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