How do I get the best possible report and analysis?

How do I get the best possible report and analysis?

Currently, audiovisual browser applications on mobile devices (smartphone, tablet) have some restrictions that you need to take into account in order for SalesNote to work smoothly.

These are motivated from a privacy point of view.

Only if SalesNote is active in the foreground can the conversation be captured.

If you go to another tab, another application, put the device in standby, or flip it so that the screen is down, SalesNote will stop the captation.

We therefore recommend the following guidelines;

  • Start the meeting in SalesNote and don't go to another tab
  • Do not go to another application
  • Do not flip the device so that the screen is no longer visible
  • Do not press the side key to turn off the screen
  • Do not place the device in standby.

This way the entire meeting will be captured and you can fully enjoy your assistant :-).

These restrictions do not apply to a laptop in Chrome, or if you use the Audio Capture Tool.

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