Procedure to verify the compatibility of updates on user PCs

Procedure to verify the compatibility of updates on user PCs


Check that a user's PC can automatically update the tool, according to a controlled process without increased permissions (administrator or IT profile).


Access to the old version of the tool's installer.
A standard user profile without administrator rights.
Internet connection on the user's PC.


1. Log in to the user profile

Log in to your PC with a standard user account. Make sure the account does not have administrator rights.

2. Preparing the old version of the tool

Download this specific version of the tool:SalesNote-win-Setup_verify_versionDownload

3. Installing the old version

Start the installer by double-clicking it.

Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Note: If administrator credentials are prompted, record the issue and stop further steps, as the user profile does not have the necessary permissions.

4. Verify installation

After installation, open the tool and confirm that the version matches the old version.

5. Automatic update testing

Launch the tool and run it for 3 minutes to perform update checks.Note pop-ups or notifications that indicate that an update is available.

6. Check if the update has been successful

After the update, check the version of the tool. It must have the same version as the latest version available on, usually found under the Profile Settings menu on the ACT tab.Make sure that the version matches the latest available version.

7. Register results

Success: Update has been successfully completed.Error: Document specific error messages and circumstances found.

8. Removal (optional)

If the tool is no longer needed:

Go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program.
Select the tool and click Delete.
Make sure that no remaining files remain in the installation folder.

Steps after the procedure

Submit the registered results to the IT team for further analysis and/
Report any abnormalities found during testing.
Dispose of the installer safely if no further tests are planned.
Ensure compliance with the company's IT policies during testing.
Do not perform this procedure on a production PC without prior permission.
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